It's easy enough to peer through the underside of a hearse- easy enough to **** those gears. Easy enough to try it once or twice or give up or spit it out like a bad fruit.
Easy enough to shiver in bed Easy enough to last it out and sleep all day
puff on the bag and go somewhere else
A quick, easy blur. Negation hand in hand loyal love with sleep. A handshake, low, tossed about with a final farewell, a quick gulp in the arms of a surrendering light- a face-mask.
It's easy enough to stick it and last.
So level out with a spliff, take another chance- a homespun remedy will extract the saccharine days and take out the "too sweet" sweat of a poison milkshake-
it's easy enough to do it quietly. It's easy enough to have a pay-order-death. Spit-up, a final Sampson barber drain. You'll never sleep through another day if you put on that exit mask and breathe slowly until you can't
until the surprises stop coming until the wounds stop laughing until the only obdurate straight man will stop his act and take you home and lay you on a couch and drape a clean blanket over you like a white sheet and cover your eyes with cloth and pennies and gently weep when no one's making a joke anymore