I decided to lèad my leàd to goalless gold Now I refuse to cònduct by others condùct Before I bowed until I was bowed Now I arm my many axes with blazing axes With this my search for còntent could reach contènt
When I come too dangerously close they close themselves off Though some I meet with conflicting conflict We contèst lightheartedly but end in revealing còntest We both crooked to find the crooked To deliberate if know weakness was to be deliberately revealed And desèrt the loser to mental dèsert The challenge over in a minùte mìnute I mòderàte the other to the mòderate This would be the 2nd I nùmber to make me nùmbèr to other's illusions
I still can't objèct to the òbject of my desires Eventually I will prodùce my pròduce for all to see If I don't excuse myself for my excuses this is surely possible My recreàtion an attempt at the rècreation of awareness I will wind with the wind until I reach my goal
I hope it was thoroughly confusing, but it does mean something.