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Jan 2013
Heed this warning: Beware the Antichrist!
We know from Christ’s revelation to Man,
that the ‘End Times’ officially began in 1948
with Israel reclaiming their ancestral land.

Be aware and be not deceived.
For this evil soul shall rise up - from obscurity.
Out from the descendants of Dan
the World will take notice of Satan’s emissary.

Although the Antichrist should be easy to spot,
this individual will be viewed as ‘Heaven sent’;
for his initial proclamations of false peace
will be supported by a one-world government.

Napoleon and ****** would have been impressed,
for his lavish promises are lies - full of finesse.
He will have no time or regard for women;
power ultimately will be his true mistress.

Eventually he’ll claim to be ‘God’
while appearing to survive a fatal injury.
From only the Devil himself,
the Antichrist received his earthly authority.

Yes, he will be voted into power
and will place the ‘Mark of the Beast’ upon thee.
So don’t be surprised when he demands…
worship from thee, upon your bended knee.

His reign of terror will be spectacular
and will probably lead us into World War III -
culminating in the ‘Battle of Armageddon’
and another ungodly event in Man’s brief history.

Will we face our ultimate destruction
from our earthly lust for power and authority?
Will mankind’s existence end from us forgetting
‘that absolute power corrupts absolutely’?

Author Notes:

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By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2010, All rights reserved.
Joseph J Breunig 3rd
Written by
Joseph J Breunig 3rd  Southern Maine
(Southern Maine)   
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