It's all I want to do is cry, But I'm fighting back the tears from my broken heart. Because it's all I can do, Is keep thinking of you. I feel empty inside, As though I have just lost my best friend. I knew the day would come that I woud do something, To destroy our friendship. I'm damaged and broken inside, And I really should just be alone. I should just stay in my shell, That's where I belong. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you, You didn't deserve it. Just as I didn't deserve your kindness, Because I only hurt the ones I care for most. Keep away from me, I will only destroy you in the end. I am like a toxin, That can't be cured. I'm sorry for being so cruel, Please forgive me. I know I said I would always be there for you, I failed you as a friend. I was never this person before, My past relationships destroyed who I once was. I only wish I could find her, So I can love myself and learn to love again. I miss the old me and I also miss you dearly, Take care of yourself and I hope you find the peace you need to heal. I only wish I could help you through all your pain, Maybe we were meant to find each other to help heal one another. But I destroyed that as I do everthing, That I love and care for.