When the floor falls, let me with it Sure, I'll go- Step on the circles. Did you see the circles? No? Good, they're hideous. Don't even look.
It's a rigid design, Like everything else, Of solid spheres And pointed peaks For triangles and squares.
The background? Purple. And worn. Like the people who step And tremble And stomp.
Oh, me? I'm just walkin' Along my merry way. Yes, I did have a horrible day. Yes, these floors do creak. No, I don't want a smile From you or anyone else.
So, yes, I'll break the streak Make that creak a crash Only for a second, though, Would it last.
Pound, pound, pound I do And love With my feet. Until I hear a pop and There I drop.
What's that, you ask? I didn't hear, I'm below the surface of ears And eyes and lights and Yes, your voice, Your voice that asks again.
What was it that you said? Shout louder, I say, Shout Loud And bury myself deep within The purple rags and dusty boards When this one reaches far, "Hi! How are you?