I awoke under a canopy The vicinity was uncanny... I remained inane, in need to retain the venues address,
I rolled off the bed, Impeccable marble bruising my once undistorted mindset
I stumbled onto my feet noticing the luxuriant substances surrounding my loss of balance Rootlessly searching from one room to another finding ones that only emulated the previous
An amorphous shadow appears before me I immediately vilify the object
"Why are you holding me captive?" I ask knowing I am no damsel in distress Its stolid voice rejects the question's request of knowledge
Intelligence full of compunction fabricated by nadir of the time
I am lulled by the shadow's signs I hope it will not be onerous to set aside the vestige of my frustration Replacing it with prestige for the mysterious constrain of the situation
I annex the didactic without further noise It has hushed me with persuasive manifestation of reasonless roaming Until we reach a glass door
I assume it to open clearly, but to the touch I'm falling Into distant realities
I come to realize I am standing on sand, Observing the gray of the window to the soul of a moonlit stranger I will never know
Holding the hands of a madman whilst eyes of affection hold me
Feedback wanted. Although I will say I'm sick of writing love poems.