I think of ways and roads oh my! And paths to take and travel by And ways both false and sometimes true But none of them leads me to you
Am chased by ghouls and wraiths of yours The thought of you is now my curse You never said we'd chart this course Now am pursued by ghosts of you
Why? I'd ask. And my reply Would be that love does multiply And hearts are eager to comply Am chased myself but not like you
I was captured and my captors taunt They let me leave then set to hunt They give me all the things i want But deny me sweet old thoughts of you
The faces here are sweet and fair The leaves are green and flowers here Here's fragrance more than I can bear But all is not that's not of you
All the land that has you not All the games that played you not All the tales you hadn't taught Are false and so cannot be true.
I see your pain and feel it too You swore as I and daily do This depth that aches with woes and rue Cannot be whole except with you
I know, but know thee I am naught Then what? Pray tell becomes my lot Am gone and life is what you've got But life alone is life with you
I've broken turns andΒ Β brokered terms I've come to great tormenting harms I've waited, prayed and done the psalms Just to be again with you
Been years since your teeth were beams And since my tears had streaked in streams And since the earth had claimed your hymns Since I'd been lost in dreams of you
The tales of loss are oh so common and they never grow old.