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Jan 2013
I am half of you.
You are 23 of my original 46 chromosomes
I barely know you.
But that’s a two way street.
While your second marriage is failing and my relationship is thriving
And I might be drinking a little too much and you might be earning not enough
I have late Friday nights while you are...
I don’t know what you’re doing.
My bright blue eyes reflect nothing of your dark chocolate brown
The only thing we seem to have in common is our reputation of being
The tallest in the room.
Dad, I’m growing up.
And it’s not my height this time.
You have always been a man of few words
Well, I’m just the opposite.
I wish we could sit down and pour our hearts out
I want to understand what goes through that forty-seven year old mind of yours
I want to know what sprouted those gray hairs on your head and
How high school changed your life
I want love advice
Tell me funny stories about all the wonderful mistakes you made
As long as you don’t mention the one
Where you forgot to speak to your daughter.
Written by
Nicole Fox  Maine
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