I was born small, not being able to move but cry, not being able to see what the world is like.
LOVE is how I was conceived. I can not speak nor breathe on my own; your unconditional love is what kept me ALIVE!
Don't turn your eyes away from me because one blink is all it will take and you'll see me turn blue.....
Just imagine yourself being born small, weak and unable to speak and stop breathing.
My mama knew how to breathe life back into my small BODY!!
She breathe not once, not twice but a few more times!! Her unconditional love of breathe, brought me back!!
If I were able to speak. I would tell her don't cry mama! I know you love and will care for me. I feel your pain and I know how much you sacrifice your life for MINE!!
Mama, I'am making progress and learning to breath on my own. It was your UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that saved me! Mama remember when I was born small and yet, I'am still YOUR ANGEL!!!