I'm a tragedian, but only in real life. My life is a tragedy One bye one tempestuous waves cone to swallow me up Massive earthquakes shake me down to my bones Infectious and deadly diseases enter my body and slowly but surely killing me Every time that happens I end up in rock-bottom Where everything's hopeless and scary But rock-bottom might be a good foundation to start again? A good foothold to fight all of those disastrous calamities? A good starting point? A starting point to start all over again from scratch... and then what??!after giving myself some positive methinks and then once again those calamities then again come uninvited in my house wrecking and destroying everything I've worked *******?? To start again from rock-bottom and then giving my self some positive crap to repeat the cycle anew? I'm not some Aleck But a teensy butterfly of hope spreads its wings and flies I'll be forced again to repeat the cycle This agonizing, ugly, tiring and dumb cycle I really am a tragedian one who plays in tragic roles.