Isn’t love a FORCE? Unable to be commanded, demanded, or swayed Unable to be taken away.
I heard love is BIGGER THAN THE PERSON FEELING IT. I heard love can be invited in, But not dictated in how it chooses to express itself.
I heard love is like lightening; It is UNPREDICTABLE. it rolls in like thunder and is IRREFUTABLE. It is CONDITION-LESS. Love, from what I’ve heard, is RADIANT like the sun.
I heard love is FREE; Unable to bought or traded. Certainly, unable to be sold. Love, from what I’ve learned, is not to be treated as a substance or commodity.
I heard love is BOUNDLESS. I heard that borders are nonexistent. I heard you can’t confine love.
Love cannot be turned on as a reward, or turned off as a punishment.
I understand that love speaks out for justice, And it protests when there has been a breach in moral uprightness.
Love points out the consequences of hurting and hating oneself and others. and It allows room for pain, and anger to be released…