We are united by lip service Yet claims we are being serviced When all we get is agony in a country that is meant to be united in love.
If we claim to be one, We are supposed to be duly serviced by the share of our oneness.
We can't be warmly expectant when all we get is negligence; We can't be claiming oneness when our supposed lovers throws our love to the retch.
Let this oneness be redefined for us to know our stand; Let the best we can be satiate our amiable positions to prove our oneness.
We have soared above this mess and needs a prove of our oneness: Let it be recorded that we are in love by the way we treat ourselves; Let our love be seen and not told.
How amiable we ought to have grown instead of hate and bigotry; How prominent we look yet plays around like kids without direction.
We are endowed to be emulated; We have gone too far to miss our ways: Let the love we claim be resurrected And let our oneness be practiced.
Written as a result of the marginalization of the Igbos in their country. Published on social media on 5th December, 2015 by me and sent to Hello Poetry on 3rd March, 2017 for invite.