My love, I try to love you whole heartedly But unfortunately It's only temporary I love and dine with you with an affable smile But I keep a dish of promiscuity under the table now My kisses are full of guile I say am in love with you And still sipping from this cup of unfaithful too My lips are ***** My heart is in captivity So my love for you is birthed in perjury Adultery is a walk in the park for me With jewelry, I lavishly Beguile men intimately Quickly they all fall for my trickery Like enticing a kid with candy They all lust for me I sleep with every man for money And yet after all this promiscuity You still love me deeply Love covers over a multitude of sin, I see that honey For your love is not earthly Indeed it is heavenly With this your love kills my unfaithfulness spiritually I am made whole quickly Let us renew our marriage completely Let us start over like am your bride to be But we've passed that stage already I am your wife and you married me No more promiscuity I'll love you faithfully I thank God for you hubby Jesus Christ the most faithful hubby