I could be falling apart breathing this american air the taste of kerosene is on the tip of my tongue pressed against my teeth I can hold it and wait once a traveler said to me Jesus could put his tongue into the back of his throat and block all air flow achieving nirvana on a single breath I exhale out ennui another overdose victim standing beside me and the mutilated legs from Tiananmen square blown off by the country boys the party called in to ****** the city kids, or so its said my words are noted in the public record and I'm called up to the bench and told to file a motion for release in 30 days I sit in a hallway and explain to the guy who found him on indiana street because he just got the feeling he needed to go back that nothings guaranteed on this timeline but he only half listens and looks at me with suspicion that softens with steady detachment
all the masks and mines a suit and title the robe and the stare are you on the level?