I have been alone to long, even in the end I was a haze in the distance. I hate that I stayed. Even that is over now, I don’t need him. I don’t know how I let this happen. My thoughts scream, But I’ll forgive myself I know, I poured myself out into that soft reflection And humming conviction and I didn't really know you did I. No, I didn't . We had been parting ways for a long time, Probably why I hardly cried, But when you walked it stung the same. Mostly for the things you say. I hate you for your forced ignorance. The way you blame everything, I hate you for refusing to look at me, Standing unclothed before you, Wearing nothing but old scars And my broken heart tied to my wrist. I hate how you turned from my kiss, I just wanted you to love me. I’m so sick of feeling like this, Like no one could ever touch me.