What was it for? When you found me in pieces, you came knocking on my door What was it for? When my world was swallowed with silence, You became my powerful roar What was it for? When I was an inch to being a mute, You became my words, deep yet unsure What was it for? When you offered your shoulders, my favorite haven, I couldn't ask for more What was it all for? When little by little, your presence became my ecstasy, wanting for more. But then you slipped away.. That string you were attached, the same string in me tore How blind could I be? To fall for your lines when they were all empty? What was it really for? You made me fall, but it wasn't you that caught me but the floor. Now tell me, what was it all for? Where was it all for? You fired up my hope Now not only my eyes but my heart is sore. All the walks, the talks, the laughs, the endearments, the teasing, the good mornings' What was it all for? When all along it was never me, But her you adore. You left me hanging, You left me hoping, My mind shouting "please no more!" Yet my heart still asking, "What was it all for?"