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Jan 2013
The pieces of the puzzle are scattered on the floor
You don’t know if you can do it anymore
You start to look around to see what you can do
But you truly don’t know if you can even get through
You see the hot mess that you were left to be
So you go to seek out help hoping you’ll be free
Free from all the pain you’ve felt and the misery
Hoping you can let it all go and just—be
The people really help you come to terms of all that has happened
And you start to see clarity that you never expected
It becomes easier and easier to simply be yourself
Until you finally take your old self off the shelf
You look down and see the puzzle pieces on the floor
And you can’t stand to see them there anymore
So you start to pick them up and put them back together
And the pieces of your life look better and better
You realize some of the pieces aren’t good for you anymore
So you throw them away so they won’t hurt you as before
Pretty soon the puzzle is put back together
And though it looks a little different, your life is better than ever
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
Written by
Melissa Vance
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