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Jan 2013
i met her at the bar
we had been introduced
by mutual friends
and soon we were back at
my apartment
and i could feel the weight
in my chest
every time she smiled
or laughed in that reserved soprano
she had a beautiful voice
and we lay in bed
and talked and kissed
and over everything else
enjoyed the night
but soon she turned to me
and i asked what was the matter
she was scared she told me
because she knew me
she said
because i wasn't a good man
she said
because i was tall and strong
and old
and talk such bad language
and have been with many women
they are all ******
i told her
***** and ugly and meaningless ******
compared to you
but she didn't believe it
'i am another of your ******'
she had said
'to be ****** and forgotten'
no no no
i promise
but she wouldn't be convinced
and i didn't know how to fix it
i pleaded with her
no no no
she wouldn't stop
another one of my ******
just another one
though she was far from it
and i lay next to her
getting farther and farther away
unable to do anything
as my terrible and unwanted past
reared its terrible and unwanted head
and ruined love
once again
Written by
Craig Verlin  San Francisco
(San Francisco)   
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