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Jan 2013
the heat has gone
with the rain
a fierce humidity
saturating every breath with salt
and hydrogen and oxygen
wet dreary hell
smothering the houses
the people inside
all tucked away
breaking bones and sweat
too much to live these days
too much
hearts don't beat like they used to
the world's gone grey
don't shine like it used to
and its maddening
once again
except now
the roads are empty
and now
the madness is
in the
corners of the
bars and
townhouse basements
where small men
whittle away at
shallow pride
beating their
purchased wives
to make up
for the love
its a madness
in the blood
it is a cancer of the soul
or maybe it is
the salvation
can't really tell
hard to see
or think
much of anything
everyone drowned
by everything
as the world
limps onward
toward winter
Written by
Craig Verlin  San Francisco
(San Francisco)   
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