it has been long, this voyage unintended; one like a branch thrown into waters, into the currents of time taken on, pushed on to unseen shores from one continent across oceans to islands and continents afloat always on the merciless drive and unfeeling, impassionate forces - though sometimes the shores seemed clear, there seemed to be a destiny, there seemed to be a will and things bent to it, and things shaped to a plan it appeared one has arrived, one had arrived, the journey ended one’s destination come – but there was no announcement for passengers to disembark; each clutches a valid ticket, but each ticket blank the signs and boards all blank, all unmarked and yet one was carried, one is falling, falling, one is afloat in perpetual motion, seeming like the leave that falls like the sparrow that falls like the maverick meteor that flies and I am so; and I have given, I have received, I am done - but is it done? Are we there yet? Are we home yet? Oh it has been long, it has been exhaustive But is my work done? Is it time?