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Jan 2019
Merciless to attempts of bearing your heart,
He dressed up in flowery carnations
Truest of the fidelity, winter grabbed your hand
A mock of self esteem, history taught Athenian women
To be bold and ruthless

He thought Sunday would be a bloodbath,
By Monday you'd sleep in your bed
Athenian women wear bricks on their genitalia
It is hard to summon love

A little dance and **!

If it had to be a Monday morning
where children aren't slaughtered with rendezvous of competitive parents fighting fugitive,
And Sunday would be left behind
No Emily! Monday is for love making

Might I dance the trojan horse
And sneak into your heart,

Manners hath not maketh man.
Sukanya Basu
Written by
Sukanya Basu  23/F/Nowhere
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