Sun the figure of myfather, the ray of light that holds my identity the king who holds the key towards my destiny where are you where can i find you I lack my true self, yet you mock me why do you do this to me why do you deprive me of my wills and possesions, treasures of my personality and my whole being I wish to follow your path to enlighten myself so that i myself can shine with you but how can I where do i begin in all these years of darkness i want to follow your path into the light so bright yet i blow and explode in smokes and fire when i hold on for too long burnt in the fires and depths of the sun there lay my identity burning with passion burning up in flames oh how i long to grab hold of it oh how i wish to identify with it yet the It robs me of my identity and the only way is to walk with it the more i stray the more i loose myself i am reminded to follow my being for i cannot escape my true destiny for it will only end in shadows for i long and hope to regain my true conscousnes and walk the path towards true power and enlightenment the path of light