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Pensive Poignant Poetry
Jan 2019
I've a library full of memories
I've a library full of memories
With a key for every one
Play the key watch me lose
My senses into the sun
The moments of silence
And I walk among the shelves
Wandering these lost times
I can hurt or cure myself
The first few notes begin to play
My heart begins to race
I redden as she looks at me
With a smile on her face
Across the table from me
With ice cream in her hand
Two years and I still miss her;
But she's no longer my best friend
The first verse rings in my ear
Before it's even there
I see the Pennsylvania hills
And feel the humid air
Listening to my music
Gazing through the window a lot
Hours I'm stuffed in the car
Listening to my thoughts
Now the bridge has come
Walking away from my home
Tears are in my mother's eyes
As she sees how far we've grown
It's my first year of middle school
And I'm a nervous wreck
The future is so cloudy
I don't know what to expect
The tempo builds and he is there
My first ans closest friend
We play together in the sandbox
But our bond was soon to end
It's the last base drop
And the winter's a sharp chill
I have a sled under my arm
As I look far down Cobb's Hill
The final keys are struck
My hand ***** into a fist
As I feel the rushing anger
And see the blood on my wrist
Only a few more seconds
The song is almost done
I feel the breeze as I bike
Under the scarlet sun
September 18, 2018
I explain how some songs bring me back to certain times in my life.
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Pensive Poignant Poetry
Pensive Poignant Poetry
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