I want to thank you for your sacrifice. I know it was not made without a price. You were so young, yet wise enough To put your baby's needs before yourself.
Your baby daughter needed a place In which to grow with love and grace, So you listened to your inner voice And, as hard as it was, you made a choice.
You wanted the best for your little one, That child whose life had just begun, So you said goodbye and gave her a kiss And then gave up your sweet little Chris.
Each Christmas, each birthday that passed Brought fresh sorrow from the past, But your memories were left unsaid As you tried to stop the tears you shed.
That precious child, right from the start, Smiled her smile and chaptured my heart. Her big, brown eyes stared into my face As I held her close in a tight embrace.
The love that I felt on that special day Was greater than I can ever say, And the connection we made, she and I, Is one that we'll share till the day we die.
She's grown up now with her future ahead, And very soon, she and Jack will be wed. We'll watch with pride as she walks down the aisle And see our love reflected in her smile.
Thoughtful, loving, caring and kind Describes that daughter of yours and mine, So I thank you again for the choice you made, For taking a chance and not being afraid.