The night was comfortable, branches lightly choreographed a dramatic reaction to the conversation beneath… spoken words breach the midnight hour by 2, and words are in place of sleep. They speak, but still pretend to have something worth to keep In silence now, no reaction. Walls and thoughts collide and they see the infraction. In a quick succession of contact, blood boils intuition becomes submissive. With the steam of these midnight hours rises away the taboos of love and loyalty, as intoxication devours any human decency. Breathing softly now; with eyes that berate the truth hiding behind the midnight-hour lies, they instigate innocent massage wars desperately wanting neither knowing how they plunge underneath these unbreakable ties. Now speechless they grasp one another speaking devilishly with eyes and even louder with the toils of their hands. Why do you run from surreptitious lies and hide behind your eyes? Say this is how you feel for one thing then when it’s around wear a disguise? Helpless you act toward desires that you conspire to You lit the match and now you must put out the fire.