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Jan 2019
Like a bouquet of
fresh and delicate daisies,
carefully he wrapped me up
in a red chiffon saree.
His hungry eyes traveled
from one part to another
of my covered yet bare body!
I could hear my heart beating
loudly against my rib-cage,
as if it wanted to convey a message.
The butterflies in my stomach
were gone, replaced by
a sinking feeling inside my gut.
Everything felt different but
everything looked the same!
He smiled at me and Oh boy!
My heart was melting again…
Leaving me alone
in a shabby little room,
he left promising to be back soon…
Alone with my thoughts,
quietly I sat there,
I don’t know why but every advice
mother gave echoed in my head,
I could hear my voice screaming at me
telling me to run as fast as I can.
But alone with my thoughts,
quietly I sat there,
My life came crashing down
and my nightmares turned into reality
when the door creaked open
but it wasn’t him who walked in,
but a drunk, creepy looking man.
I looked into his eyes,
his soul-piercing stare…
I didn’t know how
but I recognized that stare.
He smiled at me and God…
I knew I was dead!
I screamed, cried and yelled
but stopped when I saw
that was not going to help…
And the moment he pushed
his huge body on top of mine,
all I could see was the smiling face
that once made my heart melt…
I cried as I laid on the bed; dead…
The pain of heartbreak and betrayal
was no match to the pain of his merciless thrusts.
He moaned and groaned like an animal
as he ****** my soul and not just my ****!
That night didn’t end soon
as if the universe wanted me to suffer
for every wrong, I’ve ever done.
He came back, not exactly as promised,
But he had the same smile
plastered on his face,
mocking me and taunting me…
Why didn’t I before see his true face…?
And again, like a mangled bouquet
of decayed and dead daisies,
carefully he wrapped me up
in a torn and blood stained
red chiffon saree!

Karishma Yadav
The poem talks about a girl who has been honey-trapped by a guy into the *** trafficking (Flesh Trade) business.
Written by
Karishma Yadav  26/F/Mumbai, Maharashtra
(26/F/Mumbai, Maharashtra)   
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