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Jan 2013
In diligent search of God
was the dark heretic,
a master of the natural world
and our father of modern physics.

In defiance of the Church
stood Sir Isaac Newton alone,
cloistered in his office, clinging…
To personal beliefs, of his own.

Interest in “The End Times”
was his lifelong, secret mission -
His papers were intentionally hidden,
from recognizing the gravity of his situation.

In the study of Divine Prophesy,
Newton poured incessantly over The Word,
convinced that his Doomsday calculations were…
Godly insights - that he alone had learned.

Indeed, we are seeing natural disasters and earthquakes;
however, God stated that “no man shall know the date”.
So in 2060, will Newton have the last laugh,
regarding his expected demise of all human fate?

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.
Joseph J Breunig 3rd
Written by
Joseph J Breunig 3rd  Southern Maine
(Southern Maine)   
   Oli Nejad
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