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Jan 2019
kiss my lips instead of the cigarette bud
                                                                      nestled between your fingers
let me be your nicotine
i’ll be your new addiction

hold me close instead of the drink
                                                             splashing in your cup
let me be your warmth
i’ll be your new addiction

speak to me instead of the ****
                                                         buried in your sock drawer
let me be your calm
i’ll be your new addiction

cry to me instead of the ativan
                                                        in the cupboard behind the towels
let me be your shoulder
i’ll be your new addiction

but, if the drugs still must meet your throat
                                                                      know i'm not going anywhere
Written by
indigochild  21/F/Cincinnati, OH
(21/F/Cincinnati, OH)   
   Fawn and Peeth
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