Don't let me grow up in a hurry. Teardrop-marked fluster and confusion and fear. Fear that I won't be your son anymore. Fear that I don't have an option to run anymore. - And so i must study and listen, for four more years. - I'm still your son, and I can assure you that, and also the fact that I have big dreams, bogged down by that. - I don't want to be a son, but I don't want to lose your love. I don't want to be her love, but I don't want to lose it- For neither of you would handle the pain of my desires.
Dreams of conquest and masochism seem quite paradoxical, but also quite defining of my yearning. To conquest my homeland, like my ancestor's did my "homeland". Ghosts of conquistadors, who slaughtered to pave the way, for the track marks that I so oddly desire to tarnish my arms. - I never wanted tattoos, but a sun and moon, and a raging bulls head bound by stars seem to be quite fitting representations of myself at this moment. - I'm killing myself for my own desires, and its a slow death one that I hope will outlive you, so your heart remains unbroken, and protected by lies and denial.