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Jan 2019
Dear Maargi,
Be the music people pain to listen to
When they discover the voice within that tells them life is so much more
Be the music that lifts hopes in the darkest of times
Not as a cry for help
But a wave that makes them fly
Be the words they pain to read
Trapped somewhere deep in them
But didnt have the courage to let out
Not words of hate, petty, or remorse
But love, valor, and justice
Be the colors they pain to see
The ones they wanted to paint
But got lost in the pallet of misunderstandings and differences
Be the light that shines the path
The path they've so longed to take
Not as the star that lights their way
But one that lights their conciousness
Be you, be you all the way
Not the character they want you to be
But the character your heart tells you to play
(Fort Worth, TX 12/23/2018)
Written by
Sprishya  M/Minneapolis, MN
(M/Minneapolis, MN)   
     winter sakuras and JL Smith
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