I tell them to leave me alone Those wicked creatures But they will not listen They tell me my husband is dead "Yes I know he is dead", I say "Long dead and gone but I live and will not have weeds growing in my Lord's compound Nor pigs licking from his pepper soup ***" So they leave, offended by my words For that is what I think
But I am wrong They creep behind my house And dig up my Lord's grave Soon the villagers gather and make noise They brand me a witch who will not let the dead rest But I say, "I do not know what had happened! My enemies have done this!"
Still they heap ash on my head While the other women shave my head They pull out my ear and nose rings till alas they bleed at the spots
Then when they have left me haggard And worse than his corpse The vultures return Those wicked creatures ! They have come to eat me "But I am not dead!" I shout "My Lord is gone yet I live "Begone! " I shout "Begone! " I rave Like a madwoman Till those scavengers flee like shadows in the bright light
And as the day breaks and the sun shining on my face I stand by the threshold Strengthened by the rays of the sun As a smile of hope lights up my heart And the rays of truth raise my eyes to the massive green fields before me I behold that which I've got in my hand My sickle and basket. Indeed there's much work to be done.