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Jan 2019
Why do we go back to the ones that hurt us?
Simply because we miss the hurt. We miss the image of happiness that our minds have created for that person. Our brain blocks out the bad memories. Blocks out the fights and the ugliness
And the problems
And the tears
And the pain
Our brains focus solely on the happy times and covers those memories with sweet sugar and makes us crave the sweetness once again.
We crave all of the sugar and spice and everything nice.
We break ourselves down to the point of believing that we are the ones at fault. We will continue making excuses for these people because we are just as broken as them. Craving their attention and wondering why they do not want us back in their lives.
Learning that you have to fall in love with your own words is something not even I have learned yet because the words on the page cannot hurt you, but you can grow from them.
You cannot grow from the teenage boy that you created a jigsaw puzzle out of yourself for just so you could fit his fantasies. The boy that you created a meadow of flowers for when he preferred peaches.
Men always prefer peaches
Though I am not a peach nor can I provide them with my small, pale hands I can provide you guaranteed love and happiness for as long as you’d like.
You become my love story that I can throw on the page when I need it. The one thing you provided me. You provided me eternal feelings that I’ve never felt.
We forever strive to somehow immortal ourselves to manifest peaches from our hands so we no longer feel the hurt that we do and they will willingly return to us and color our empty void. But we cannot. So we continue to damage ourselves further by going back to the ones that have hurt us.
Ash Wilhelm
Written by
Ash Wilhelm  17/F/Atlanta, Georgia
(17/F/Atlanta, Georgia)   
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