I swear I do not refrain my heart from its passion. There was only one goal, to live as a quiet bastion. No, not a drop of my mortality shall be leaked in fray. Eyes will burrow, teeth will testify, my flaws, in disarray. Yes, there was an attempt to control even the sheen of my glee. The standards, statutes, stabilizers, and sticks I used to **** me... ****, prop, and stop any step, if the path was warm, For that feeling meant change, and quite possibly harm. "Why?" the question may arise, "live with such chill?" Well, my beloved, only a loss constitutes a win, or a thrill. At least this was my moral, as a child with no plan. To live as man says he should, and can. I have tried to uphold that life like a beat Then life chimes, "To eat is to **** and to live is to eat." Listen...
The applause's approval drowns my research in cacophony... Whenever my stones start to slip, please run from me.