If you set your cards right,things will turn out alright They say life is a series of choices right? That if we make the right choices,then we on the way to a happy life and success.. But is there something like a manuscript to do right,make the right choices? Or are we just puppets in the whole drama of this good life The forces of fate and self will always manifest asynchronously One when things turn out right way, The other well,when things go beyond the obvious,mystical Is there inertia choices,where things play out the way you want them to.. Choices extend beyond the plans we've made... Turns out life is more of accidents, We dont plan on when to fall in love, The stranges we met... We more like forces of nature-unpredictable As these intoxicated turmoils play through my mind... Its more awesam as we play more of tapestry..ravishing colours behind the threads... Its us against the odds..little gods