I woke this morning to a beautiful dawn, the dew wet grass shining in the already bright sun The Lady has blessed me once more My tumblers run and dart, spin and frolic my private acrobats Soft sweet calls and ankle swarms and my large cattle dog gently but with insistence herding me into the kitchen and my duties, My Eastern altar is glowing with the suns rising and wrapped 'round with the grasses and flowers of summer Incense rises and the candle flickers as I ask for Her protection for these... my wandering one's today The kettle's boiled and the day's tea is made and blessed and seven dishes filled and emptied. The sun fully risen now and the house stirs family sounds as heavy steps wander above and radio plays softly Round me now still piles of soft satin slick fur breathing soft and deep noses all counted and accounted for bellies rubbed and ears all tickled 7 foreheads softly touched and charmed and all are safe and sound this day in our Lady's care. I wander the garden now caressing those blooms that require some extra essence, All that's needed is water and sun and love through each touch comes life and will and care and thus the wheel turns and the garden thrives Lilac, Lily and Rose and Ivy abounds and the garden thrives I walk now from the front to the back door carefully sweeping my chants softly sung and the smudge bundle of sage and roses lit and smoking salt scattered and swept and once more my small realm is safe My Lady guard this house and all who dwell and those who would stay I trust my most valued Companions are in your keeping My Family My life are in your keeping. I celebrate my life withing your Circle and my Joy within your keeping All of this and things unspoken Joy and Light and Love My Lady, Bless me. Solita -2007