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Dec 2018
When I gave you my all,
   You gave me less.
When I eased your worries,
   You gave me stress.
When I loved you and no one else,
   You only loved yourself.
When my eyes lit up for you,
   You dimmed the light with the crap
     you put me through.
You took my love for granted.
Now that I'm moving on,
  you can't stand it.
Our story has finally come to an end.
I'm on a new journey with a different outlook.
You're the last chapter in my book.
I may have to walk alone for a while and feel the sting of this separation.
I will let go and trust God to do the rest.
I don't hate you.
I wish you nothing but the best.
Written by
Poeticink  38/F/Louisiana
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