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Dec 2018
A girl named Samreen

Lived Upon the City

The city was called By the Name 'City Phones'

It was Completely Obsessed as it is

The pollution and the Distraction

Was Utterly Annoying

There were Cakes With Phone Designs in Them

The City of Phones Turned Upon The world of Phones

Asia and Africa, China and Europe and Thailand and Malaysia

Were Upon its Trouble too

Samreen Was been confessed as it is

the World of Phones had Little App Partners with Specified names

Such as -, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tumblr

More of All The Leader among The apps Were -Whatsapp

Who had people from Conversation to others

More of all, People Started Migrating Towards the Others
I am Truly Been Appreciated this Poem by Many as I have Already uploaded this poem 2-3 days ago on a Study website as a User in there had asked to write a poem on the topic so I wrote it and they were impressed by it. The Study Website is and My ID is PrincessRainbow.All the Poems which I am Writing Here are Always been Published on that Website first and Only Some of Them.
Written by
Deeptha  13/F/UAE
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