If I could give you every thought that I left unexpressed and tie them up in a drawstring bag and if this bag could only hold the sweet ones, the good ones, the ones that made you feel O YES THIS IS SOMETHING and you could let go of the rest well: Thoughtless would just be a poor beggar we never had to feed, living on air and quite nowhere, not with you and not with me and if love were enough, if love could make I AM SORRY get up and stand on its hind legs and pick flowers from the highest tree we would not have a problem now would we? you would be you and I would be me fed on promises (there is no other world I want than ours) and every thought made less thoughtless gathered together in my bag of Please- I would everyday shower you with these If
I adore this poem... I wrote it three years ago when I was madly in love with someone who barely deserved a single letter, much less an entire word but some of our grandest mistakes make the best poems now don't they? (yes! they do!)