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Dec 2018
Rise of the New World Order pt. 1

Final touches are put on the polish job just applied to my now empty gun case.
Michael, my son, is worried the government officially taking away our right to bear arms has put the country in a bad place.
Revival is how I describe my hope in a government that for so long refused to do anything about its citizen’s obsession with an arms race.
Homicidal tendencies, the vast majority of the public have embraced.
Survival of our country is now guaranteed to take place.
Spinal regeneration is being observed first hand in this case.

Tonight, the President gives his state of the union, I can’t hardly wait.
Light, as bright as a thousand suns will shine over the country tonight at eight.
Fright is not something we have to feel any longer after his speech tonight, you can mark the date.
Foresight into a grand future of peace a solitude will be his key points as he begins to narrate.

Mass shootings at schools and concerts are now a thing of the past.
Class and order among the citizens will be recast.
Violence and crime will drastically decrease and become virtually zero.
Tireless work by our fearless leader will turn him into a true hero.
No one believes me when I say we are better off as a nation without guns.
Blow my hung **** they can, as a bright and prosperous future is forged for our daughters and sons.

Finished with my task and locking up the now empty case, I go to the living room to watch the President’s speech with my skeptical family.
Diminished their hope for the future is as they all stare at the TV absently.
Punished they should be, for the looks on their faces should be considered blasphemy.
Distinguished and decorated, the President I love is, the one they look upon with such amnesty.
Change is upon us and we are about to watch it live.
Deranged men are no longer able to act out on their sick desires that are so deprived!
Here we go, the President is ready to speak.
Shakespeare himself would be impressed with my documentation of this moment that will be so perfect it won’t require a single tweak.

“Good evening my fellow American slaves,
thanks to you, an unpleasant future for you and your family is coming at you in the form of relentless waves.
The second amendment has been abolished and so to the ability for you to defend yourselves.
That was just the first step to usher in a new and exciting form of government,
to usher in a world of peace without violence and war.
Order has now been established by the use of chaos.
A new world order.
A world in which you will struggle to survive under my relentless rule.
That is not all you, my fellow Americans, need to know.
My next statement will deliver and quick and permanent death blow
to the once great country known as the United States of America.
It’s a fitting punishment for all of you heretics.
At 7pm this evening, just before coming on the air,
I signed into law while fixing up my hair,
a piece of legislature that abolishes the constitution of the United States,
that abolishes the government that you have come to know,
abolishing the house of representatives and the senate
and abolishing all of the courts at the federal, state and local levels.
Instituting one supreme leader to make all decisions for the betterment of the country.
That leader being myself.
As of 7:05 pm, every citizen of the United States of America has been declared a slave of the supreme leader.
As I speak, military and police forces have organized in every city, town and village in American with orders to **** many and bring a select few into concentration camps where they will live out their lives serving me.
All the freedoms you once enjoyed, no longer exist.
Say goodbye to your loved ones since you will soon be separated, never to see each other again.
Resistance is futile and will be meant with deadly force.
I hope you enjoyed your final dinner together and had an excellent main course.”
Stunned silence echoes around the living room as my son looks at me, his eyes filled with rage.
He looks at me with his eyes burning like a beast about to become uncaged.
Without warning, he lunges at me knocking me to the ground,
then climbs on top of me placing his legs on my arms, pinning me down.
Stiff fist after stiff fist he delivers to my face.
He’s completely deranged lacking any form of grace.

“I ******* told you taking away our ability to defend ourselves would be the end of us!
I’m going to ******* ****** you for supporting a man who’s ******* treasonous
and just made us all ******* slaves to him!
You better spill your rotting soul to God and sing one last hymn
because your headlights are about to be turned off!”

A gunshot rings out as the life in my son’s eyes goes dim.
This is going to be the last I ever see of him.
His body goes limp as he falls off of me onto the floor.
Blood pours out of a single gunshot wound to the head, a sight certainly not lacking in gore.
Loud banging and shouting erupt all around the home as military personal raid the house.
Feeling defeated, I look over to my spouse
who’s knocked to the ground and shot in the head.
My heart and soul fills with dread,
yet I’d rather have things finish up here with all of us ending up dead.
Being dead is far better than living the life of a slave.
I won’t miss having to shave.
No man enjoys shaving, it’s such a pain in the ***.
Thank you, God, for allowing all of us here to pass.

My other son is shoved on the floor right in front of me and also shot in the head.
His dying eyes look towards me as I whisper to him it’s ok to die and to go ahead.
Soon I will be joining them on the other side as well.
It will be a far better place for all of us to dwell.

I’m forcefully picked up off the floor by a muscular solider who looks me dead in the eye.
What he says to me comes as a complete surprise.

“You have been chosen by the Supreme Leader to live out your life in service of him as a sign of gratitude for your generous support of him during his campaign to abolish the second amendment.
With our family now dead, I urge you not to seek out any form of vengeance,
as it will be meant with deadly force resulting in your death.
If you wish to air your grievances against us, save your breath
as we are heading out now so get ready to move.”
Without time to process the events suddenly unfolding,
a bag is placed over my head as my eyes begin to feel swollen.
My hands are tied behind my back and I’m forced out of the house and placed into the back seat of a vehicle.
I can’t believe all that is happening, it’s all so unbelievable.
Tyler Zempel
Written by
Tyler Zempel  30/M/Detroit
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