A flame wihout its heat is as useless as a poetry without a thought. What is man without a soul? Can he be called human at all? How useful is an empty house that stands on a barren hill? A man not capable of thinking? A blank book? Or a sun without the grace of a fire? How good is the wind without the trees? Or the birds that worship its strength? How good is the ocean without the fishes? Or the human that embraces its wealth? All things are interconnected and interdependent. Like air to mankind and to the trees. And trees to mankind and to the soil. Like air to the waters. Waters to mankind. Waters to the soil. As fire to man as to the trees. Mankind to the trees and to the soil. And trees to the soil, fire to the soil, man, fire. Fire and man. The fire within a man. Enflaming the soul of another man. We are all relatives in the dance of life. We are integral part of the earth. The air, the waters, the sun and the moon. Everything is hitched to everything else. The air, the waters, the sun and the moon. The salt of the ocean is in our blood. The calcium of the rocks is in our bones. The genes of ten thousand generations is in our cells. The fire of the sun king is in our spirits. The might of the winds is in our lungs. The most powerful element of the universe is in our hearts. The mighty winds rage and we bend for them. The fields yield and we kneel for them. The blossoms open and we rejoice. One could not pluck a flower without hurting a star. The wolves could not haunt for a meal without troubling a heart. An atom could not deteriorate without worrying the universe. But along the way man seems to forget. And most of the time, man does not pay attention to its depth. Man be- comes too ignorant to understand. That man is the heart of it all. The pulse that keeps the system alive. Man ne- eds not observe but feel. M an needs to penetrate quite- ly as earthworms. Underst- ands as soils absorb water. Pon- der as the winds gather strength. Spread as the vines that overrun the yard. Let your flame be the guiding light.Do not let it be the fire that burns.