On that day which caused my voice to disappear, All those around me rejoiced and had a feast, celebrating this moment The words I say brought people tremor, fear or just pure hatred, Everyone hated them the moment I moved my lips to convey along side them in hope to find someone who could become even a friend. I was of course wrong all along, deserted for the reason that they found what I said in some sense weird or obscure, maybe irrational, Was it my means or my purpose that scared them away ? My looks or my style of conveying to appear more likable to them ? In the end it didn't even matter for a second, as their false smiles carried the message of their fake friendship and intentions. Maybe now that I won't have to converse with sound any further, those words of mine might reach someones heart and touch it instead, But that is simply a distant dream, because everyone hates the words I say, perhaps it is meaningless to seek meaning in my useless self, All I can do now is to heave in sobs, Left behind, I can no longer even cry.