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Dec 2018
I saw him.
U N I Verse.
For all our Evers.
In the many faces in the crowds, in the Clouds the very depths of My Vivid Dreams time and time again.

I breathed him , with Each Breath Our Love grew Deeper.
A Love Fools claimed Never had a shar of Existence.
Time and Distance Appears as a River before us, Let's Swim.

Let us ride the Currents against every false Truth ever told.
Everything I Never wanted and more , it was always Him.
He was told of her Gypsy Ways and persevered His Journey to Her through the Winters Cold.
A Pirates Whiskey , A Vikings Sword , Her souls Burden of a Gypsy Sin.

Numb, Scarred, Drunken Cursed of a Witch's Potion.
He saved her on the very day it Rained the Most.
A Warriors Victory and True Love Devotion.
Beauty to her Beast and A Wedding Toast.
Written by
Sarahi Lopez  40/F/Denver,CO
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