Apples will fall from trees and land with a thud against the earth, but she may not like the constant beat against her chest. Can we understand death when we can’t even listen to the cadence of its changing melody? Furthermore, the fire’s always burning, granted we aren’t sure who started it. He insists that we should listen to his judgement without idolizing his actions, however many would start jumping if he had asked them to take their lives. Killing….and lively as we are, the world is filled with anger and the apples keep falling, many of them smashing the grass beneath them over.. And over. Never ending. Our chest is tired! We plead, yet the fire has burned even brighter and quietly we listen to the lonely sound of it’s crackle. Recently, I have come to understand (the earth) in her struggle living with the life that she encompasses. Tirelessly she listens never able to guide us or help us understand how to help her… how to help ourselves. Vocally, we aren’t there for each other when we should be. Why is it that we continue to fall against the earth? Although, une xpectedly the earth continues to catch us. “Thank you,” I say to her, “I know we continue to fall against you. I recognize your zeal, and hope maybe one day we will figure it out ourselves.”
If you read the first letter of each line youll find the ABC's. This is one of the first poems I wrote and was really happy with