There is this girl. Perfect in every sort of way. Skinny, popular, beautiful, a cheerleader. It seems like every girl wants to be her. I know I do. And so I sit, watching from afar.
Perfect hair, perfect nose. Perfect mouth, perfect teeth. Perfect clothes, perfect body. Perfect friends, perfect life. Perfect makeup, perfect face. I can't seem to find anything wrong with her. Why am I not good enough?
I don't have trouble finding things wrong with me. My thighs are too fat, my calves jiggle. My stomach is thick, covered in rolls. My nose is too pointy. I look stupid when I smile. I look horrible in tight clothing. I hate this. I hate me. I hate watching from afar.
Why can't life be easy? Why can't I look like her? Thousands of questions pound through my head deep into the night. I didn't use to be like this. Or maybe I just didn't care. Watching from afar.