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Dec 2018
I first met you March 1st, 1998
I don’t know where you were but I saw your face
Even though I don’t remember it, but I love you.
We have spent 9 months learning each other’s heart beats, but now I am left with my own to listen to. But I love you.
I have spent nine months in the warmth of your womb, hearing your beautiful voice soothing me. But now I hear my own, but I love you.
You have given me up. Everyday my mind convinces itself that it’s because you didn’t want me. You didn’t want to be bothered with me, so you just decided to leave me. Even though that might have been your wish, you still carried me for nine months. So, I love you.
You could have easily ended my life before it even begun. But you pushed aside your own body parts, your own organs and made way for my tiny body. I’m sure there were ways that you could have terminated me, but you chose not to. Because of that I love you.
For years I would look in the mirror and play around with my face. Do I have your eyes? Your nose? Do I even look like you? I don’t know the answers to these questions and probably I will never know, but I love you.
When you left my side, I lost all type of protection, warmth and comfort. You were meant to stay by my side and raise me. But you decided to give me away not knowing what will happen to me. Do you wonder where I am? Do you miss me? Because every single day I miss you. The closer I get to my sister and my cousins the more I miss you. You’re not here with me, but I love you.
My love for you almost seems out of place. Sometimes I feel like I should have more resentment towards you for leaving me. But all I feel is love. I don’t know why, but I know that I might be just a small part of you. But you are a large part of me, that I will never be able to reconnect. But, I love you.
Tamires Chiara
Written by
Tamires Chiara  20/F/Natick
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