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Dec 2018

"Arrah..!" she smirks

"Sure, give us a póg
ya auld rogue ya!"

I chuckle at her

her eyes question in Irish.

"Tabhair dom do phóg!"
I challenge her gladly.

And in the kiss
the exchange of bliss

a tiny rolled up note
passes from her mouth to mine.

Her tongue firmly
in my cheek.

Speechless I...
. . .can not speak.

She turns and with a flounce
sashays off

an angel
in dirndl dress.

"Slán buachaill!"
thrown over a naked freckled shoulder.

I unroll the tiny tiny scroll
smile at what is written

her telephone number
with several x's beneath

in red indelible ink.

Two tiny tiny eyes
drawn in blue

with one eye closed
in a wink.


"...póg..." - a kiss

"S'ea...n'ea?" - ""

"Tabhair dom do phóg!" - "Give me your kiss!"

"Slán buachaill!"..."Goodbye...boy!"
I afterwards asked her: "What was that all about?"t and she said: "Sure have ya never seen Dion Boucicault's Arrah na Pogue?"  and I said: " No..." "Or hear mention of it in Finnegans Wake" and I said: "No..." and she said: " And ya call yer self a gentleman and a scholar?" and I said: " Well I am a gentle man. .."

So she explained that the famous kiss in Arrah-na-Pogue when Arrah( Nora ), saves her foster brother from execution for his role in the political uprising, by a kiss, during which she effects an exchange from her mouth to his of a small scroll containing the plans for his escape... by a must remember
this ... the famous noted kiss... so this little red-headed miss thought of this as her sister fancied me too and she wanted to be one step ahead of her. She had been dared to go up and kiss me and kissed me she did conveying all her feelings and a saliva drenched telephone number.  The best way to deliver the post as Joyce says. "The passing of the key of Two-tongue Common." Oh the wicked wiles of wild women with a penchant for literature.!

And that was how I came to hear about an Arrahna-Pogue kiss and the Finnegans Wake reference to it!
Donall Dempsey
Written by
Donall Dempsey  Guildford
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