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Dec 2018
The way we break
We crumble with every aching memory
No one sees the pain
No one truly cares do they?
They ask "how are you?" but they don't care about your response
Some days the pain is too much too much to deal with
People cross your path only to leave
You stare into their soul
Seek for help in others
Not to feel but to forget

The hurt you carry with the anger
The pain that never leaves your bed side
Nothing is worth the fight anymore
Nothing can satisfy anymore
Pain just awaits at your door
Doesn't ask to come in, it just does
Nothing is ever the same

We change
We drink
Take drugs
We try to ignore the ache
Everyone believes in your act
After you are only dying inside
So much to do
Little time to feel
No time to ask for help
You just want to be alright
You want to be fine
To make yourself alright
You only feel fine in the dark
No light
No stars
Just you and the demons that haunt and control your mind
Written by
Hope  17/F
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