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Apr 2010
what would you do if the one you loved didn't feel the same way?
if the one you longed for had moved on,
had left you behind to mend on your own.
would you still hold on?
could you still go on?
would you chase him till your feet bled?
or would you turn away without a glance.
is this what love is?
to hold on after they let go.
to die and wither after they leave your side.
is this love?
could you truly love someone so passionately?
or is it all in your head.
is it all a trick done with smoke and mirrors?
done to break you and tear you down.
is it possible?
possible to feel the warmth in your chest.
to feel like he's all you'll ever need.
like he's the one.
the one that protects you each and every night.
that without him you'd die.
is this what love is?
are you truly the one?
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