Dear "Dad", Thank you. Thank you for sleeping with my mom that night Thank you cuddling up with her Making her feel special For getting under the covers and giving her the pleasure Thank you because without that night I would have never been
That's the only thing you ever did right
Thank you for letting me expericence an airplane ride while I was still in the womb You gave her money to come here to North Carolina and then you abandoned me, my sis, and my mom Thank you
Thank you for not sticking around For not providing anything for us even back in LA you did the same Not A cent you gave to support this baby on the way
Thank you.
I now have a Dad, a real Dad one who has always been there Even though he divorced my mom He stuck around and he provided He is my father
I aksed my mom to let me contact you I want to see the face Of the man that provided the other chromosomes to make me I want to see the guy who loves poetry I want to see the guy who loved to read I want to know this man Because apparntly you past these things to me
But the one big reason why I want to meet you is because I want to show you the guy I became
This boy that never met his father This boy who gets good grades in school This guy who has dealt with a lot Wants to slam in your face A BIG FAT THANK YOU for not being there For not helping me play soccer For not helping with my homework For not being there while I cried over something stupid
THank you "dad" for not being here because if you were I think I would not have become the person I am and I rather die then not be who I am now