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Dec 2018
I do not expect for you to understand this
Neither do I expect for I to understand this
Read and see
Listen and try to be me
For this is a poem that can not be read up to three

Death to me can be complicated
Yet so simple
From one definition to the other
Only that one definition sticks with me

Death can be sad
Or it can be happy
I do not care what you choose
Whatever emotion your heart stands on, let it be
But I understand death can be sad, happy, or angry

Death is yellow
Or red
Maybe even blue
Whatever color you decide to represent your emotions
From red to rage, from blue to sadness, and yellow to happiness
Or maybe not even a color floats for you
Only maybe me

Death is what I see
Or maybe what I hear
Senses are so complicated

Death is given to you and me
To not only to experience, but to interpret it
You can simplify it or complicate it
It can be sad or happy, do what you want
It can be a color, or not
What do I care?
Death is what I know, how do you know it?
I don’t expect anyone to like this...why? One period of history class, that’s why...but either way...enjoy it..(or not...)
Bryan Padilla
Written by
Bryan Padilla  14/M
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